Plant Sale August 2021

Thanks to everyone who came along and supported us at The Homestead on Sunday. Mary and Stan had around 130 visitors, which considering the torrential rain in the morning was great and we really appreciate everyone turning out to support the NGS.

The Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘firetail’ was all gone by half way through the afternoon, not surprising given how fabulous it was looking both in its pots and in the large established clump found in the shady borders. There was a lot of interest in the Amsonia’s this year, no longer in flower in the lime walk, however the foliage was still looking good. The hot border at the end with Rudbekias, Echinaceas, Cannas and the much asked about Eupatoria was putting of a fantastic show, standing tall despite all the rain and wind over the last month. The Sedum ‘Red Cauli’ was popular and I will make sure I have this again next year along with a greater selection of Astrantias, as these all went very early on.

There was a lot of interest in the Hardy Geraniums this year, despite Stan not being allowed to give them a Chelsea chop and so all being over in the garden. G. Mrs Kendell Clark, G. Wargrave Pink and G. psilostemon Ivan all sold well so I will make sure there are plenty of those next year.

I have had real problems with my Salvias this year with them being slugged, drowned, generally not being happy in pots this year. So sadly not as many as I would normally have for sale. However, S. Phyllis Fancy was popular and is a lovely late flowering large plant, with mauve velvety flowers from purple calyxes.

Its always a pleasure and a joy to have a plant sale at The Homestead. Mary and Stan have a beautiful garden with a good variety of planting, and different areas of interest. Its lovely to talk to newcomers and repeat visitors alike and share plant knowledge. I hope to see some of you again next year and find out how you got on with your purchases, and how your gardens are coming along.


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